• Welcom to Awashima Marine Park


    Awashima Island is in Suruga Bay, it is an uninhabited island of 2.5km in its perimeter. It takes about 45 minutes walk around the island. The shuttle boat service has 15 minutes interval. We prepare various programs for you.

    Summer business(March to October) 9:30~17:00(last entrance 15:30)

    Winter business(November to February) 10:00~16:30(last entrance15:00)


    ※You can scroll the screen horizontally to view

    1st 2nd 3rd
    Sea lion show 11:00 13:00
    Dolphin Public training 11:30 13:30
    Dr. Fish's talk at Aquarium 12:00 14:00
    Touching laboratory at Aquarium 12:30 14:30
    Feed the sea lion or seal
    ※It is not free (¥500)

    FROG Pavilion Visit our new Frog pavilion!(Admission free)

    Exhibits hundreds of frogs of 60species from all over the world.

    Admission Fees

    ※You can scroll the screen horizontally to view

    Admission Fees Adult Children
    (4-12 years old)
    General ¥3,000 ¥1,500
    Small group
    (15-24 people)
    ¥2,600 ¥1,300
    Large Group
    (more than 25 people)
    ¥2,400 ¥1,200

    Please DO NOT MISS the last shuttle boat at 16:50(Summer business)/16:20(Winter business)!


    Awashima Marine Park

    186 uchiura-shigedera, Numazu-city, SHIZUOKA 〒410-0221
    【CALL】 +81-55-941-3126  【FAX】 +81-55-943-2238
    【e-mail】 info@marinepark.jp 【URL】 http://www.marinepark.jp/

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    • English
    • 会社概要
    • 伊豆半島動物園水族館協議会 IZA7


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    • あわしまマリンパック
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